Virtual Reality

Virtual reality uses VR headsets to create a simulated environment and helps an individual to experience a reality that is similar to the real world or completely different. Instead of viewing a screen in front of you, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds.

A lot of companies such as Amazon, Apple, Oculus, Intel, Snapchat and Sony are investing billions of dollars in the VR sector. Some of the best VR products are Oculus Quest, Nintendo Labo VR Kit, Sony Playstation VR, Lenovo Mirage and many more. These gadgets enable an individual to immerse in a digital environment to experience a world which is different from reality. Once you put them on, you're detached from the physical world.

VR is not all about gaming. Its potential spreads to industries such as education (e.g. Class VR), military, medicine and sports.
