TPACK Method & SAMR Model (Updated + Simply Explained!) (MindMeister)

Mind maps of the TPACK Method and the SAMR Model : TPACK Method: TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) is a framework that is important to know so that we can teach our lessons more effectively with using technology. It is a combination of what teachers know, how they teach and how technology is used. To look at the main aspects of TPACK Method: Content Knowledge: Teacher's knowledge of the lesson's subject. It includes facts , concepts and theories. Depending on the grade level and student's age, the CK teacher will use in a class may differ. Pedagogical Knowledge: It is how the teacher uses the knowledge they have through practices and processes they use in the classroom. It includes instructional strategies , teaching methods and assessments. Technological Knowledge: Teacher's knowledge of how to use technology, not just the devices but to make technology a part of your students' learning process. It includes the quality of content that s...